Member Libraries & Marigold IT: Finding Solutions Together

Jun. 20, 2024

If your library needs a technical solution and you don’t know where to start, don’t hesitate to contact Marigold IT for support, advice, or assistance. The Strathmore Municipal Library’s Director of Library Services, Rachel Dick-Hughes, did just that.

The Strathmore Municipal Library is a popular spot for local groups to meet. In a town with few large public spaces available for gatherings, the library’s program room is frequently rented out both during and after library hours.

After-hours rentals require a library staff member to be “on call” in case of emergencies, issues, or questions about the program room. To facilitate this, Rachel needed an affordable solution that did not require her staff to give out personal contact details.

 “I had a few parameters, and I started to search for options myself, but I quickly became overwhelmed,” Rachel stated, “I struggled to find enough information about different options to make an informed comparison.” At this point, she decided to take what she considered a “longshot” and contacted Marigold IT for assistance.

 Marigold IT Specialist Steven Copland received Rachel’s IT ticket. He didn’t have a ready-made solution. However, he used his expertise, experience, and training to provide an overview of several options tailored to the library's needs, along with their approximate costs and pros and cons. Rachel plans to use this information to make a pitch to her library board at the end of May.

 The proposed solution is intended to improve the safety and security of Strathmore Municipal Library staff members who administer the facility’s program room.

 “Steven’s support has been incredibly helpful to me,” Rachel said. “He gave me solid, reliable information. It seems over and above what I would expect from an IT department.”

Marigold’s IT team does more than just fix problems – they help your library find solutions.